It's been a few weeks since Election Day. The 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump, has been re-elected as the 47th President of the United States. Additionally, the GOP has clinched small majorities in the Senate and House. As a Second Amendment Radical and armed citizen, you may be inclined to breathe a sigh of relief that the Harris regime wasn't installed. Per her own speeches, she promised (among other things), to use executive orders and actions to ban firearms in common use such as AR-15s and AK-style rifles. Trump has made no such statements, but has instead made conciliatory moves towards the Second Amendment community.
Of concern of course is his nomination of Red Flag Fan Pam Bondi as Attorney General. While Attorneys General cannot write and ratify laws, they can advise Congress and the President on laws they wish to see implemented. While President Trump may shy away from recommending draconian actions like red flag laws (this time around), the nomination of Bondi does reinforce the idea that the Second Amendment is never truly safe from government meddling and interference.
Ironically, those who are fans of President Trump should take a cue from certain segments of left-of-center progressives who are currently predicting the rise of a Strongman Dictator Trump. These people are belatedly realizing that they too, have the right to keep and bear arms. Of course, hopefully they will remember that the Second Amendment is of the utmost importance and vote accordingly. If the fear of a Strongman Dictator Trump is their Come To Jesus moment, then fine - despite the fact that it's factually less likely a Strongman Trump will arise.
For those to the right, it is a great time to mimic that attitude (yikes!) and continue to invest in guns, ammunition, accessories, and firearms-related training. Regardless of your political bent, read on for a handy guide of what to get that dastardly Second Amendment Radical in your life, even if said Radical is you yourself, for the Christmas or holiday season...
While these recommendations are great for the Cyber Monday Christmas holiday buying rush, it is recommended to keep consistent with this as a part of life. You get to hone your skills, support the scene, and exercise your inherent human right to keep and bear arms.
Anyways, here's your RGG Second Amendment Shopping Guide for the Christmas (and Hanukkah!) Holiday Season.
Note: The linked items below are affiliate links, but I can personally recommend and stand by the providers and vendors
Buy More Guns Especially If You Only Have One
If you purchased your first firearm during the 2020-late 2024 period, or for you left-leaning folk arriving late to the party the late-2024 to present period, chances are you may have heard the phrase "two is one and one is none".
Basically, if you have one firearm, in reality it is similar to having none. Firearms are simple machines really, but they can and do experience malfunctions and failures, some of which cannot be cleared with immediate actions or basic methods at home. In that case, your new Second Amendment acquisition is realistically a rather odd paperweight. Furthermore, in a defensive shooting, especially one outside the home, your firearm may be confiscated by law enforcement as a piece of evidence - even though you are in the right.
If any of those unfortunate events happen, you're back to square one. Unarmed and potentially under threat. Best practices dictate you get yourself a backup firearm of some sort, possibly even a duplicate of whatever your primary firearm is. For example, if you EDC pistol is a GLOCK 19, get another one. It doesn't have to be a direct clone even. For example, if your GLOCK 19 is a current Gen 5, there's nothing wrong with a Gen 4 or Gen 3. Outside of nuances, it's going to handle roughly the same. Worth noting though is that your GLOCK 19 Gen 5 magazines will not work with earlier generation GLOCKs. You may want to conspicuously notate which magazine goes which pistol in this case.
Also, along the same lines, it's worth noting that you'll likely be thinking about acquiring different guns for different uses. Your 9mm pistol might be great for everyday carry and some home defense cases, but in other cases, you may be thinking of something more versatile and effective like a quality AR-15 pattern rifle. A pistol realistically has limited use cases, but an AR is honestly a great investment for a general-purpose service weapon.
With the possibility of a Trump Slump (firearm revenues are forecasted to slip a little next year) plenty of AR-15 manufacturers are looking to clear out inventory this holiday season. Score yourself a variant of America's Rifle. Start with a budget model such as something from Bear Creek Arsenal or Palmetto State Armory to learn the ropes on, and work yourself up to something better as time goes on. The fun part about ARs is they are pretty modular, and you can easily drop in accessories like a better trigger or a complete upper from a higher-tier manufacturer like Daniel Defense as time goes on.
If you've got that 9mm pistol and that AR, live a little. Get yourself something in a different caliber like .45 ACP or in the case of ARs, 300 BLK. Or step it up a little and venture into the world of AR-10s. BCA actually makes some decent entry-level AR-10s, even.
Regardless if your interest in firearms is fundamental, i.e. you want to exercise your inherent right to keep and bear arms, or obsessive, i.e. you just want one gun in every single possible caliber (haha), you definitely need to buy more guns. The Founding Fathers would have wanted it that way.
Buy more guns at Palmetto State Armory
Buy more guns at Bear Creek Arsenal
Buy more guns at Brownells
Ammunition - You Have To Feed Your Guns
It may surprise some out there, but a gun is just a really poor club or a rather odd paperweight if there's no ammunition in your inventory to feed them. If you've been a Second Amendment Radical or armed citizen for awhile, you probably have a sizable stash in your favorite calibers on hand. However, ammo is a "wear item" so you are probably rotating out old stock and replenishing it with new stock as you go along. Keep it fresh and try to increase your numbers a little as you go along. For example, if you shoot one box of ammo, try to replace it with two. Or when you aren't hitting the range as often and maybe finances are a little stressed, pick up one box of something from your local gun shop.
If you're new to this thing of ours, you'll likely have a few boxes of ammunition around for whichever firearm or firearms are in your inventory. You'll have 3 or 4 boxes of 9mm hollow point defensive ammunition for that GLOCK pistol you just got. You'll have a few boxes of 62 grain 5.56mm M855 for that AR you scored a few weeks back. You'll need more.
A general rule of thumb is to have at least 1000 rounds (mix of defensive and range ammo) for each gun you have and plan on using on a regular basis. For example, if you have a 9mm handgun and a 5.56mm AR-15, stock up and maintain at least 1000 rounds for both of those weapons. More is better, of course. If you have a .45 ACP pistol "just because", you don't have to go nuts in getting ammo for it, if it's not something you plan on carrying or utilizing frequently. If costs are less of an issue for you, by all means get as much .45 ACP ammo as you possibly can. Also remember to mix it up in terms of both training (full metal jacket) and defensive (hollow point, soft point, OTM) ammunition. You may be surprised to know that M855 "mil-spec" ammunition for your AR-15 really isn't ideal for defensive use in close quarters, which is where a defensive encounter is likely to happen. Seek out proper defensive ammunition for your AR-15 such as dedicated hollow point or soft point ammo. A good "cheat" for 5.56mm/.223 ammo in terms of defensive use is to grab ammo tailored for taking game. Organic damage is organic damage, after all.
Thankfully costs have stabilized somewhat and are likely to go down a little in the near future. Regardless of your opinion of the forthcoming Trump presidency, it's likely that he will be negotiating a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine debacle and probably encouraging Hamas to slow their roll before Israel decides to really delete them from the universe. What that means for us is that domestic supplies of nitrocellulose will become a little less strained and the market will be able to absorb the shortage a little better. For reference, nitrocellulose (gunpowder pretty much) is largely sourced from China and Thailand, and China decided to halt most exports to everyone but Russia recently. Along the same lines, perhaps the executive order banning Russian ammo exports can be undone.
Anyways, this Christmas and holiday season, it's probably a good time to round out that ammo stash.
Buy ammo at Bereli
Buy ammo at Lucky Gunner
Accessorize Your Guns And Make Them Truly Yours
Sure, let's be fair. Your GLOCK 19 Gen 5 is a great shooter right out of the box. Gaston (RIP) and his people put a lot of thought into it and it works. Along the same lines, even a basic AR-15 from Aero Precision will work just fine even under duress with just some basic TLC and proper maintenance. It's unlikely that you'll "outshoot" either of these firearms, unless you've been at this for awhile.
But, even if you have, you'll definitely want to accessorize and stock up on consumables for your firearms. In a pistol, a recoil spring is usually only good for 5000 rounds before a replacement is recommended. Don't fret, it's a cheap part, less than $50 usually. In an AR-15 or similar rifle, you can expect little things like gas rings to require replacement. Gas rings are so cheap you can usually get a bag of them for less than $30.
Along those same lines, even though firearms are simple machines, things can and do break. Plan to have replacements for critical components handy. A spare trigger for your favorite 9mm handgun should be in your drawer of goods. A spare complete bolt carrier group for your AR should be in there as well. Same for a trigger. A better-than-milspec trigger can be had from the great people at ALG (Geissele) for less than $60 all in.
Of course, for that defensive pistol, you'll want a proper holster that's fitted specifically to the gun. Don't cheat with a "universal" holster or nylon monstrosity.
And of course, the general rule for magazines is buy 'em cheap and stack 'em deep. If you have a GLOCK 17 or 19 as your primary sidearm, you're in luck. OEM GLOCK magazines are cheap and plentiful, and third parties like Magpul make GLOCK-compatible magazines now. If you're an H&K fanboy, you'll pay the tax, but most H&K pistol mags are less than $50. Cheap...just keep telling yourself that, haha. And of course for ARs, there's hundreds of named and no-name magazine manufacturers out there. Magpul, Lancer, Daniel Defense, Duramag, D&H, Amend2, Hexmag, and so on. Cheap and plentiful. A similar state of affairs exists for AK-pattern magazines, and even AR-10 magazines. It's entirely possible to pick up a few magazines per week for less than the cost of lunch.
Of course, you'll want to round out your bag of accessories with things like red-dot sights, weapon-mounted lights, slings, suppressors, grips, stocks, braces, cleaning supplies, and more.
Your firearm is a tool that can save your life. Treat it and optimize it as such.
Accessorize your guns at Brownells
Buy your magazines cheap and stack them deep at The Mag Shack
If You Don't Train, Your Gun Is A Potential Liability
If you don't feed or maintain your guns, they are fancy paperweights at best. If you don't train regularly with your guns, they are fashion accessories at best, and liabilities to your safety and freedom at worst. Yes, ironically the very tool that you can use to ensure your freedom and life can actually be detrimental to both if you aren't prepared or skilled in the use of those tools.
In the "best" case, during a defensive encounter, your skills or judgement could result in harming someone who isn't involved in the fight. An errant round could strike a bystander. The situation may have not warranted an escalation into lethal force territory. That sort of thing. Remember that you're responsible for every bullet that leaves your gun, whether it's on the range or whether it's in real life. You should know how to skillfully use your firearm under duress. You should know the laws governing the carry and use of a firearm in your jurisdiction. Even if you disagree with some of those laws, it's best to know them so you can hopefully stay in the good graces of the legal system. Yes, training includes knowing the bureaucratic morass of wherever you are.
In the worst case, your firearm could actually be used against you. Learning skills like weapon retention is important, as well as, again, being able to employ a firearm in a moment of stress during a violent encounter. To be blunt, you don't get to make the decision of when you need to use your gun in a defensive manner. Someone else makes that move, and you're just reacting. Train to react decisively. I'm certainly not Mas Ayoob, and along those lines I always try to seek out the best and most knowledgeable people. Even if you can't afford a class, just reading and viewing the free (with ads usually, haha) content that a lot of these guys and girls produce is invaluable. Additionally, even if you're experienced, or think you are, a refresher course is always a good thing.
Training should never be mandated by the government, but it is in our best interests to train, regardless. Besides, training with firearms is fun.
A good "freebie" - get to know the people at your favorite local gun range, there's always a few employees and regulars that know stuff and are more than willing to lend a hand. Second Amendment Radicals may seem crass, but it's part of the act - we don't bite!
Maximize the amount of merry Christmases and happy holidays by staying sharp with your skills.
Train with GBRS Group
Deadly Force - Understanding Your Right To Self-Defense By Massad Ayoob
A Defensive Shooting Is Only The Beginning Of The Process
You've got your defensive firearm dialed in. You selected the right defensive ammunition and have your magazines loaded up. Your defensive tools are in a biometric safe or on your person, ready to go. You've got some defensive firearms training under your belt, and are confident in your preparations should the unthinkable happen. One night, the unthinkable does happen.
There’s a rattling at the door, maybe the sound of glass breaking. Your motion-sensing surveillance system is screaming alerts at your phone. The door finally gives way, the window is breached. Your alarm system goes off, but you’re already popping open the safe next to your bed. Grabbing that well-maintained 9mm pistol, you’re directing your significant other to grab their own sidearm and protect any vulnerable people, i.e. elderly relatives, children that are in the home. Your job is to assess and engage the invaders. Thankfully you have some knowledge of their whereabouts already. They’re looking for an easy score in your living room. As you round the corner, one is helping themselves to your PS5, while the other is standing watch, gun in hand…
You bring your sidearm to bear, flick on your weapon-mounted light, and warn them to stop what they are doing. The response, predictably, is for the armed lowlife on watch to raise his weapon and open fire. In a loud report, your whole world turns upside down. Thankfully the thief, blinded by the sudden light from your WML, cannot see worth much and his first shot goes wide. Your responding volley is more effective, with most of the 9mm 124-grain +P Gold Dots you discharged impacting on the threat, neutralizing him. In all the excitement, the thief working on the PS5 had dropped it, and reached for his own gun. You notice this, and open fire, neutralizing him before he could attempt to avenge his fallen co-conspirator.
The situation might be over in terms of violence, but the battle really has only just begun. If you're lucky, you live in an area where the local police department is on the same wavelength as living legends like Grady Judd and Mark Lamb, i.e. you took out the trash and all they need to do is take some photos and the undertaker carts off what needs to be removed. In that case, you drew 777 on the slot machine of life.
However, outside of jurisdictions with sensible law enforcement and courts, things can get messy in a legal sense, especially if you defended your life outside of your home by force of arms.
You'll want to have competent legal aid on standby. To be fair, you may know an attorney. You may even be one. But self-defense and Second Amendment law is a pretty precise bit of business, so you'll want to have the best on speed dial as it were.
Legal aid services, sometimes erroneously called "self-defense insurance", exist. You pay a small monthly fee, and as a result get immediate access to qualified and credentialed legal aid in your jurisdiction. The person on the other end of the phone when you hit the proverbial panic button is likely an attorney experienced in self-defense cases licensed to practice law in your state, and will rapidly give you advice and a plan of action for when the law makes itself known in your situation.
Protip: shut up and don't speak unless there's an attorney in the mix.
Legal aid services will often include extras such as paying a bail bond, covering your spouse or partner, and psychological support as well. Companies such as friend-of-the-blog Right To Bear will even replace your firearm if it's confiscated as part of an investigation, and provide an expert witness if the case goes to trial.
In today's crazy legal climate, having competent legal aid on tap is a must. Celebrate your holiday alive and free.
- Secure Top-Tier Legal Aid With Right To Bear
Advocate For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
While it's not really a gift you can receive, advocacy is a gift you can give the world as a whole. The Second Amendment acknowledges a natural human right, the absolute right to keep and bear arms outside of government interference, securing your life by any means necessary. Like any natural human right, the more people that practice it, the better it is and the harder it is to suppress. Of course, the easiest way to advocate is to be out and proud about being a Second Amendment Radical or armed citizen. Your personal circumstances and preferences may dictate how you best do that, but of course it's not a big "tell" to follow and donate to active Second Amendment advocates and organizations. Additionally a lot of your favorite 2A personalities have their own lines of merchandise and accessories, the sales of which indirectly support their efforts...hint hint, RGG has merchandise.
Give this Christmas and holiday season to organizations and people like:
Maj Toure's Solutionary Center
Celebrate The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Year Round
The Christmas and holiday season is a great time to be reminded of the importance of family and friends. Having the good fortune of loved ones in your life to support and be supported by can't be understated. Most importantly, as a Second Amendment Radical and armed citizen, it's also a good time to be reminded of the gift of life and loved ones, and how those things are worth defending by any means necessary.
Invest in guns and the Second Amendment this Cyber Monday Christmas holiday shopping season and protect those most important gifts of life.
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Operating Regular Guy Guns and bringing you quality content costs money, money that I am more than happy to spend, even after all these years! I get the occasional sponsor, but bills still have to be paid, ha ha.
FYI: I'm considering reviving the podcast. I may have a method to speed up production somewhat. 2025!
You'll see the articles peppered with affiliate links. I get a few pennies when you make your purchases via my links.