Regular Guy Guns Version 3.0


Tru Velocity Polymer Cased Ammo!

Believe it or not, Regular Guy Guns is around 9 years old as of this writing. I started it in May of 2016 to create a platform for my interest in all things firearms and the Second Amendment. While it can be argued that I'm hardly the "Regular Guy" (own it!), it is worth noting that I've kept this thing chugging along for nearly a decade. For the bulk of it, RGG had the same old boring white-background-grey-text look, and the underlying architecture was getting a little long in the tooth. Using the static site generator Hexo, things were smooth - until they weren't. So, I figured it was as good of a time as any to do that overhaul I've been pondering for awhile.

Without further ado, I'm really thrilled to present - RGG 3.0!

How Does This All Work?

Since I like doing things the hard way, I've always used a static site generator. Basically, the site is composed and generated offline, and then when things are good and ready, it's processed and built offline, and then finally uploaded to the real world. The advantage here is that RGG is literally a collection of basic HTML pages from the point of view of the reader. No plugins, scripts, or anything like that. The only "heavy lifting" is your web browser rendering the page. If you're a writer or straight-up blogger, it's the best way to do it actually. People are coming for your content, not how many plugins you can cram into a Wordpress install.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Here's the geeky details.

Simple, huh? Well, sort of. You have to do the design work yourself, kind of.

Regular Guy Guns' Mission Remains The Same - Mostly

Since I'm running the site on a concept that is more about content than design, I'm still going to provide regular updates and commentary on all things Second Amendment. Whether it's a deep dive on some more esoteric concepts in the 2A landscape, a good old session of mockery and scorn, or the occasional review, you'll still be getting regular doses of it as I go along.

Rolling Development

What you're seeing here is a minimum-viable product. There's content to read. But I'll be adding stuff when I think of it.


Thank Yous

What The Heck?

Still nothing substantial on 2A from Trump, despite the executive order...we're waiting, Mr President.

Support This Site

Operating Regular Guy Guns and bringing you quality content costs money, money that I am more than happy to spend, even after all these years! I get the occasional sponsor, but bills still have to be paid, ha ha.

FYI: I'm considering reviving the podcast. I may have a method to speed up production somewhat. 2025!

You'll see the articles peppered with affiliate links. I get a few pennies when you make your purchases via my links.

Rule 308.