Regular Guy Guns

Second Amendment Radicalism

M-LOK Vs Keymod - Which Is Better?


M-LOK Vs Keymod - Which Is Better?

Both **M-LOK and Keymod** were designed to address the shortcomings of the Picatinny rail system. Weight, ergonomics, durability and ease of use were all being considered. While some will argue that the Picatinny rail system represents the pinnacle of accessory attachment design, there's always room for improvement...

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What NYSRPA v Bruen Means For Second Amendment Radicals


What NYSRPA v Bruen Means For Second Amendment Radicals

On the morning of June 23rd, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States finally issued it's opinion on the case of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs Bruen. At stake was the fundamental right to keep and bear arms as acknowledged by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, and whether it applied outside of the home or not...

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Top Summer Carry Guns


Top Summer Carry Guns

Manufacturers like Sig Sauer, GLOCK, and Springfield have recently come out with micro-compact pistols that increase round capacity up to 15 rounds and can run optics but still may be too bulky or too expensive for some users...

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Thoughts On The Situation In Uvalde Texas


Thoughts On The Situation In Uvalde Texas

Of course, where there's freedom, there's the risk of evil, and the risk that those who oppose freedom will use the deeds of evil people to further their own insidious agendas...

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The Biden Regime And Ghost Guns


The Biden Regime And Ghost Guns

Stymied by a rickety-thin majority in Congress and flagging poll numbers due to record-high inflation, supply chain shortages, and internal issues, the regime needed even a fake win, just to appease the base. It's the midterms after all...

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How Far Can You Shoot With A Red Dot Equipped Rifle?


How Far Can You Shoot With A Red Dot Equipped Rifle?

To make our case, we’re going to cover some of the things we think are important in a good red dot sight, then talk about some specific rifles and calibers that are both common hosts for red dot sights and, in our view, good candidates for trying things at longer ranges...

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How To Fight Magazine Capacity Bans


How To Fight Magazine Capacity Bans

So, after July 1st 2022, firearm magazines that hold ten rounds or more will be prohibited for sale in the Evergreen State. That being said, the Washington State magazine capacity ban can be fought...

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