Regular Guy Guns Version 3.0

After nearly a decade of design stagnation, I figured it was time for an update...
Second Amendment Radicalism
After nearly a decade of design stagnation, I figured it was time for an update...
If 2023 was a rollercoaster ride for us Second Amendment Radicals, 2024 was the Veloci-coaster version.
Those who wish to harm or take your life are armed. It's up to you to acquire as much firepower as you financially are able to, and protect yourself.
Invest in guns and the Second Amendment this Cyber Monday Christmas holiday shopping season and protect those most important gifts of life.
A few days before press time, several 2A personalities on X reposted a video from last year where President-Elect Donald J Trump, expressed his desire and support for a national carry permit reciprocity law...
Now that he's scheduled to become the 47th President of the United States, what can Donald Trump do for the Second Amendment?
Whether you own a firearm or not, you do indeed have a horse in the Second Amendment race. The right to keep and bear arms includes being able to purchase them, free of government meddling, at any time...
So, if the unthinkable order comes down, it'll be an executive action by the White House. Think of what Kamala Harris promised, but in a broad sweeping version. Here's how it could happen...
The attempt on Donald Trump's life in Butler, PA led to speculation that he, would make statements supporting gun control...
With the *Bruen* test in place, an obvious target of course would be the National Firearms Act, aka the NFA. The infamous law heavily restricts and taxes all the fun stuff. Machine guns, short-barreled rifles & shotguns, silencers, and things that really go boom. As there were no restrictions on action, accessories, and barrel lengths of firearms during the time of the founding, the NFA *should* be invalid under *Bruen*, and thus subject to repeal, right?