Regular Guy Guns

Second Amendment Radicalism

The ALG Defense EMR V3X 15 Inch Handguard Review


The ALG Defense EMR V3X 15 Inch Handguard Review

Since the vibe I was getting seemed to indicate you all were interested in a solid handguard option, I fired up the old Macbook Air and zapped off a message to ALG, seeking information and perhaps a demo EMR V3X rail.

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The MIRA Safety CM-6M Gas Mask - Tacticool Or Necessity?


The MIRA Safety CM-6M Gas Mask -  Tacticool Or Necessity?

Being Second Amendment Radicals, we tend to focus our preps on firearms and firearm accessories. We'll spend thousands outfitting our ARs and AKs, but we'll balk at spending $50 on a first aid kit. It's true, don't deny it. However, preparing for the worst needs to include all aspects of survival, and not just defense against all enemies. Without proper PPE, you're just a loot drop if the situation involves chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents...

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Being An Armed Citizen Should Be The Default


Being An Armed Citizen Should Be The Default

With the financial and legal barriers to carrying a firearm being removed in a majority of states, it's time we as Second Amendment Radicals embark on a new task - making being armed the default setting..

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Independence Day Is For Armed Citizens


Independence Day Is For Armed Citizens

With the forces of culture aligned against them, it's truly a tough job for the Second Amendment Radical and armed citizen to maintain their worldview, and more importantly, promote the idea of a free and independent citizenry in the United States.

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